You can unzip this by right clicking on the zipped tor file and selecting "Extract here". What you need to do from here is to unzip the folder in order for your computer to be able to access the file. In this folder, you should see the tor file that you downloaded. Now, leave that tab opened and go to your downloads folder. In the terminal you have opened, type "tor" and it should start installing tor. Once you've open a terminal from the downloads folder, you should see: in the terminal. To open a terminal, simply right click once and select "open in terminal". After you have downloaded tor, go to your downloads folder and open a terminal from there.

You can choose 32 bit if your computer is only compatible to 32 bit but I personally think that most computers can handle 64 bit.
Go to your browser ( The default browser for kali Linux is Firefox ) and go to the website: You can see that there are two download buttons that says 64 bit or 32 bit. To install tor, first open a terminal and type the command: "apt-get install tor" and keep the tab opened.

The Tor software protects you by bouncing your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location, and it lets you access sites which are blocked. Tor can be used to access the the dark web, where it is known for the use of illegal activities due to its anonymity.

Tor is a browser just like google, Firefox and any other browser except it keeps you anonymous by hiding your IP address.